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Thunderstorm Outlook Types

What is the outlook forecast timeframe?
Forecast timeframes change and are defined by start and end dates which differ by storm event.
Why should I use WISCONSINWX.COM Hazardous Weather Outlooks over other alternatives?
We are independent and capable of creating our own forecasts. We are experts on Wisconsin severe weather trends having chased storms for many years. Our accuracy is as good or better than the alternatives.
What does "Target" zone for Thunderstorm outlooks mean?
"Target" = most likely to be impacted. We treat it like a target area in storm chasing which is a combination of logic and gut feeling. "Target" zones are often (but not always) upgraded to the next threat level on subsquent updates. We challenge ourselves with trying to bullseye the greatest impact.
Are outlooks member-only?
Outlooks take a lot of time/effort. They are special forecasts tailored to Wisconsin. Ocassionally admins will use Day 2+ outlooks for forecast graphics and facebook stories.
Can I share outlook graphics?
Yes, you may share any graphic on this page even if it's member only. A shout out is always appreciated!
How are these maps created?
We draw them in Google Maps and process them on our website. Each map is hand drawn from scratch by one of our admins.
Tornadoes are possible today, but your outlook only shows a Strong t-storm threat?
Tornadoes can occur in non-severe storms with no lightning, hail, or gusty winds. We would call that a strong thunderstorm. Severe and Significant thunderstorm threats would suggest mulitple tornadoes and/or strong tornadoes.Matter of semantics but also designed to suppress "cry-wolf" ideology.
How are outlook color table schemes determined?
Trial and error over a long period of time. If something looks or feels weird it gets changed eventually.